event handler should be an expression lwc

In this way, we can perform Parent-Child communication effectively. I commonly use Action<> types as event handlers - if you don't need to interop with other code (or a designer) that specifically requires EventHandler, there's no reason to use it. Simply including the c-tile component tag makes each tile component its child. Id values must be unique within a template and must therefore be computed with an expression. <template for:each={documentLinks} for:item="item"> ", '{0} is not valid attribute for {1}. how to get the for"each value in get method in LWC javascript, How to pass Dynamic ID to href link in Lightning web components, Set CSS class dynamically in Lightning web component, Lightning Components: expression inside fails, Lightning Web Components Easy Spaces sample application LWC component code. Let's say I create a custom LWC as c-my-index-component, which looks like as below: In the JS, I have this property defined as: And then finally I use it in my existing component in iteration as below: I might get fair bit of criticism for writing this, but here it goes. ', SCOPED_SLOTDATA_CANNOT_BE_COMBINED_WITH_OTHER_DIRECTIVE, 'lwc:slot-data directive cannot be combined with other directives on the same