Testosterone is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body. In men, it is produced in the testicles. If you are a man, the level of testosterone in your body affects your sexual development, along with your appearance. It is also responsible for stimulating the production of sperm and a man’s sex drive, while helping to build bone mass and muscle.

As a man ages, their testosterone production will decrease and approximately two out of 10 men, over the age of 60, will experience low testosterone. This increases to three out of 10 men when they reach their 70s and 80s.

Some of the most common signs of low testosterone and signs that testosterone replacement therapy may be beneficial can be found here.

A Reduced Sex Drive

Testosterone plays an essential role in a man’s libido (i.e. sex drive). There are some men who experience a reduction in their sex drive as they get older. However, if a man is experiencing low T, they are probably going to experience a much more significant drop in their desire for sexual activity.

A Hard Time Getting Or Keeping An Erection

Even though testosterone is designed to help stimulate a man’s sex drive, it can also help in getting and keeping an erection. While testosterone alone won’t cause the erection, it is responsible for stimulating the brain’s receptors to begin producing nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide works to trigger the chemical reactions that re needed for a man to have an erection. If levels of testosterone are too low, a man may have a hard time getting an erection before sex, or they may begin to have spontaneous erection too (for example, while they are asleep).

A Low Volume Of Semen

Another way that testosterone is important is that it plays a role in the production of semen. This is the milky looking fluid that helps with the motility of a man’s sperm. If a man has low T, they may notice a reduction in the volume of their semen when they ejaculate.

Hair Loss

Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in several body functions, including the production of hair. For many men, going bald is something that happens as a person ages. However, there’s also an inherited component related to balding, men who suffer from low T may also experience a loss of facial and body hair, too.


Many men who have low T have reported they suffer from extreme levels of fatigue, along with a reduction in their energy levels. You may have low T if you feel tired all the time, even though you get enough sleep, or if you find it more difficult to find motivation to exercise.

Understanding low T and how it may affect you is essential. The information here provides some insight into the signs of this condition and when you need to seek help from a doctor to alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing. There are options, so find out what yours are.


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