Nearly 15 percent of all American males will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. One of the main things you need to worry about regarding your prostate is keeping it healthy.

Luckily, there are a variety of things you can do to increase prostate health. As you get older, having prostate exams becomes increasingly important. These exams are generally how cancer is detected. When detected early on, prostate cancer is treatable.

Read below to find out more about how to keep your prostate healthy.

Eating More Fruits And Vegetables Is A Good Idea

Over 75 percent of Americans eat a diet that features very low amounts of fruits and vegetables. Instead of continuing these unhealthy eating habits, now is the time to make a change. Not only can more fruits and vegetables help you shed a few unwanted pounds, these foods also have anti-inflammatory properties in them.

Slowly working more fruits and vegetables into your diet can help you avoid the initial shock of eating healthy. As time goes by, eating these healthier foods will become second nature.

Select Plant Protein Over Animal Protein

Having a high amount of protein in your diet is also essential when trying to keep your prostate healthy. Instead of always resorting to animal protein, you need to try to incorporate more plant-based proteins into your diet. Eating things like beans and other legumes is a great source of protein.

According to the World Health Organization, men who have diets that are high in animal fats have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. This is why using plant based protein is so essential when trying to avoid prostate issues.

Consume More Green Tea

Anytime you can consume foods and drinks that have lots of antioxidants in them, you need to jump at the chance. For years, people have consumed green tea due to the boost of energy it provides and the antioxidant properties it possesses.

The antioxidant known as catechins has been shown to help with prostate health. Adding a bit of honey to this tea can make it tastier and easier to consume on a daily basis.

Work On Maintaining A Healthy Weight

An alarming number of American men are considered overweight. Studies have linked obesity and higher risks of developing prostate cancer. Instead of waiting until you are staring down the barrel of cancer to take action, now is the time to get healthy.

When first starting your weight loss journey, try not to get too overwhelmed. Some people go full force into working out, which can lead to injury and getting burned out. Instead of taking on these risks, slowly ramp up your exercise routines over a series of weeks and months.

Get Medical Help

If you start to notice problems with your prostate, you need to see a medical professional immediately. It is better to get checked out by a doctor to ensure there is nothing seriously wrong. With modern advancements in medical technology, this type of cancer is more treatable than ever.


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